
Coming on strong.

I am your new friend
I really like your blazer
Oh damn I want you



You can roll a Panda. See photos.


I'm angry at atheists. Atheists seem mainly to blog, or give lectures to other atheists.

I played this game, Final Fantasy #something. And you know how it ends? The PCs kill god. That's right, they just march right on up through the final dungeon and kill god. God usually has like 999,999 hp and special moves.

So atheists, come on now. STFU, train with your sword by killing random wildlife, and then go to the dungeon and just kill the douchebag.


Actually in every Final Fantasy there's like one cheesy move, totally worthless in the rest of the game, that's almost a sure god-killing victory. In Final Fantasy XII, if you throw money at god, he dies. Yeah, just throw enough coins at him and god dies.

In Final Fantasy X, you gotta turn god into a zombie. In Final Fantasy VII, you gotta play a slot machine game at the casino until you win your special move. And in Final Fantasy VI- well, it's hard to explain.


At the drycleaner I go to, there's this funny sign. It says:


There's something just sort of wrong about 'SmileGod'.

Hey there.



Can I roll a barbarian or what

Why atheists are anrgy.

This rings true for me.

It's long, but worth a read.



Fuck the What?

Yeah, I was using last.fm for awhile. I forget why I stopped. -It's not bad.


Yeah, Faygo FTW.

My gal uses 'FTW' all the time. I kept thinking she was meaning 'Fuck The World', and I thought that was great.


Anyone use last.fm? I seriously have a deep-seated hate of all social networking sites (Myspace, AOL, blogs), but I'm a music sicko and all the time I'm finding shit that seems like I could listen to, if I was on last.fm.

If discogs had a listening service, I'd be in bliss. My new habit is beatport.com, up to $3/song, which sucks, but the shit is magic.

Century of Flavuh

Rock N Rye


Cream Soda

I love faygo