
Marivhon knows something about that.

In 325 AD Constantine called the first Council of Nicea to resolve controversy and establish Christian orthodoxy. The Council established the Unity of the Holy Trinity, the date of Christmas and the date of Easter. Constantine built the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, one of the oldest continually operating churches in the world. Also in 325 he declared December 25th to be an Immovable Feast for the whole Roman Empire. The bishop of Rome may have accepted December 25th as the date of birth of Jesus Christ as early as 320 AD, but careful analysis by Catholic scholarship can only establish that it was some time before 354 AD.

Sorry just bored waiting for Ed to Post.

UA spells

Chromatic Orb is an Illusionist spell. The only new mage spells worth a damn are Contingency and Yawn, a cantrip that augments the sleep spell (you can get Ogre Mages with Sleep if you Yawn 'em first). Oh, and Stoneskin, which is horribly, horribly broken.

Actually, outside of the Illusionist spells, there's not all that much in there spell-wise. Aid, Withdraw, and Rainbow for Clerics.

I'm sure we can find a 1E or 1E+UA spell listing somewhere out there online. If I wasn't on frickin dial-up, I'd try to find it now.


1st level mages

Well, in Unearthed there are quite a few spells that would help out out young mage. Chromatic orb starts ok....with a roll to hit if I remember but it keeps getting petter to the point of save or die eventually, not bad. I think there's some other stuff in there too. It also has, I think, a lot about cantirips. A whole plethora of fair and usefull additions were made in that fine expansion. May you could check out Marks copy before you leave MI Chris.

Merry Birth of Christ.

Did y'know that December 25th was chosen as Jesus' B-day in something like 345 AD? -I think that was after he died.

Anyway, hope it was Merry for all.

Looking forward to San Fran with the DM and Dave FoO this weekend.

Cedar Point is ON in May. Rob, you should think about visiting Kristen then.

To the playahs: Hey after these Ninjas, let's rest a few, and then take on the lowest spellbook guy. That's statue VIII. Renwick needs some spells or something to make him more useful. -His Burning Hands spell does 1hp, no save.


pie isn't so hard.

I think you can and should do something. I swore that if I was ever interviewed on the news about something inane like the weather or shopping or something I would swear a lot and berate the interviewer. That's just what I would do, say in there how to work off the Christmas pounds segment or something. Well I had good pie, I don't know how it turned out ok, lamb saag, linguinie provencal, cookies and a lot to drink. All in all a good day. Hope you have had one too. All of you. I will be in MI in late May to go to Cedar Point, hopefully with all of you. Good luck. P.S. my cat had a bad Christamas all he got was dirty then he got a bath.


Wizard Armor

Chris, it lasts until disspelled, or until it takes 8 hp 1 per level of caster. It gives you and AC:8 until you take 9 hp of damage.

However, if you take 9hp of damage, I think that you have bigger things to worry about.


Skeletor is intrinsically funny

Don't know if you guys read Penny Arcade, but one of the comics from last week reminded me of DiD, Vrill's sort of shit in particular.


I've got twice as much cheese!

Yeah actually, UA, our favorite reference book has rules for two weapons. However, it specifies that that weapon has to be a dagger or an axe if I remember correctly. I'll check it when I get home for the speciifics. I do recall that the unmodified penalty is -2/-4 for each hand.

Hey, BTW, that was some good Poetry there, Rob.

Multiple-armed foes are basically the worst

So I still don't know where 1E lets you be ambidextrous and attack with off-hand weapons. Page numbers, yo. Page numbers and citation. If that flies though, yeah, sure you can backstab with it. Just don't be surprised when a Type V demon thief backstabs the HELL out of you.



Hmm, Renwick, looks like you now have 15 DX, 15 CN, but a 10 IQ. Which is fine if that's what you want, but it means you don't get any bonus spells, and can't cast spells after 2nd circle. An unusual career move. Might wanna move that 10 back to DX and 15 to IQ there, but up to you.

In any case, right, we're following cleric spells and WI, so a 15 IQ would give you two bonus 1st, and a bonus 2nd at 3rd level. If you look at the IQ table in the beginning of 1E PH, you'll see the number of languages for IQ, this number includes NWPs. So if 15 IQ gives you 4 (which I think it does), you'd start with Common for free, plus a total of 4 languages/NWPs. For instance, you could take Orcish, Spanish, Knitting, and Dancing, if that was your thing.

A small confession

Er, well, I was giving the NPC mages IQ bonuses for spells. It's a 1E hack we used all the time. So go ahead.


DEX bonus

Yeah, 16 DX gives -2 AC and +1 to init and missile weapons. 15 DX is -1 AC and +0 init/missiles. So it's like a +1 all around. Plus, thieving ability bonuses. Merry Christmas.

Unearthed Arcana can bite me

This is the same book that gave us the mancatcher, saps, Withdraw, rolling 9d6 for your prime attribute, drow elves, and caveliers. So much crap therein. I think they Unearthed this Arcana from the compost heap behind "Zeb" Cook's outhouse.

Regardless, well guess who has a 15 CN and 3 hp now? So case settled either way. Look at how that worked out.

Gary says...

Hey, Chris and Rob, my Unearthed Arcana says that a Magic-User should start with at least 3hp.

He also says some crap about Comeliness, so I am not sure if we care. It's up to Rob.


No problem, it's a better idea. While you're revising your character sheet there killer, you should change 'Dispel Magic' to 'Detect Magic'. You ain't castin no third circles yet.



Chris, you can go to www.didreference.blogspot.com for some 1st Edition info. I have a PH, so I will put some Magic-User stuff up for you: Spell lists, Saves, THAC0, etc...

However, with 2 hit points, I think that if you are rolling dice, you are probably already dead.

Good luck!


A Mage!

I just sent Chris his invites. This is great.

C F Godfrey

I sent an email to Rob and Mark with Chris' email address - so we'll have a mage in the party. Woo-hoo! Of course, first level mages, umm . . . well, they're not so good with the clobbering, and they are especially bad at the being clobbered.

But still!

I'm going out of town for the weekend, but in getting Chris set up, maybe we won't start a new adventure for a few days. The holidays are making things weird, too - but I won't post again until . . . . maybe Monday, maybe Wednesday, somewhere in there. And then to Cali for 10 days, during part of which 2/5 of the party is going to be BUYING THE DUNGEONMASTER DRINKS. Not to be fessing or anything, but I expect to turn money into alcohol into xp.



Google Video titled:Old Lady Pwnz Mercedes Guy



Le Parkour

Yeah yeah, Blogmaster... That's a pretty funny joke coming from a Dungeonmaster.

God, I searched "Le Parkour" on Google Video, that is some crazy stuff. Have a look.

+1 PC

Hot damn! Yeah, now would be the perfect time for Chris to join. Give Marivhon some company complaining about being too low level "oh I'm first level why are we fighting Orcus this is the $uxx0r".

Make sure Chris has access to Table Talk and all those other pages too, please.

Just so you guys know, it is holiday season, not to mention the whole job search craziness thing I got going on, so DM posting may be somewhat erratic. Bear with me here.

Mark is the "Blogmaster." (Snicker)

A new party member.

That's very cool. Paul and Dave, tell Chris not to be a Cleric or a Thief, eh?

I think that we have gotten into a pretty good groove, but I am sure that another member is going to shake things up a bit. With five players posting, I think that we are going to have to try to limit combat errata as much as possible to avoid confusion.

For example: Even though I wanted to play the magical harpsicord before the party rushed into the Salamander's kitchen and attacked, I'll just put it off as four people have already posted.

You know what I mean.

Hey, maybe he will be a Hobbit!

Dave, email me his email address. I'll hook him up.

Allow me to present: Mr. Christopher Godfrey

Hey all,

So Chris has some sort of internet access now, and just finished finals. He wants to know what he needs to do to join our merry band. I suggested contacting Rob and Mark - as the DM, and blogmaster - and 'webmaster' sounds all right, but 'blogmaster' sounds kinda off, doesn't it?

Anyway. I don't know his email address, but I'll get it tomorrow.


Please Don't Forget

"don't forget to wear underwear hulk hogan"

The latest search phrase that sent them to us.

View Stats

Rob - to view the stats, go to the DiD main page, with the castle on top, and down below the blogroller is a box 'bf mapstats'. Click on one of the date ranges for 'see statistics for', below the bar graph. On THAT page, below the bar graph, the second bit down is 'search phr', and there's a link to see the complete list of search phrases that bring people to our humble site.

Hey Mark

How do you find out what people were searching for, to bring them here?


Et in Arcadia ego...

Yeah, but check out the Potion Guild blog. Even in death, Vrill is a bitch.

This lovely night...

Hey, that was cool. I am a bit sad that Gregory Vrill is now dead, but I am excited about this new module.

With the MoP, the Knights of Armek, the death of the AntiBrogg, and The Church of Grisbane churning out Owlbears, things are bound to be interesting. Let's get trained. Lil' Marivhon could really use it.

But, do you know what is really great? Someone found DiD by searching for "this lovely night teddy ruxpin" on MSN. That's so fucking funny.


Marivhon goes back to the gift shop....then has a smoke.

my bet is when the guards start showing up Ed kills Vrill, cuts down Mike and runs off....with his running skill and thief abilities. But....hey maybe we just wait forever......Like some weird play..



Yeah Marivhon, I hear you. So we wait. Then again, you guys totally had your shot at killing Vrill...

For future notice, it's fine if you post and say things like "Whoa, hold on, Cinder is a giant roc, so I'm going to use my monk tumbling skills and jump on him, getting a lift back to Shady Orchards. I then snap Vrill's neck as soon as we land." Everyone's done some timeline revisioning, it's the way it has to be and the way it should be. Too late now though.


Mike the zombie, continued

Well, it's probably the safe bet that Mike Naylor has no idea what is going on here in the blog. I think he's aware that his character was turned into a zombie, but Mike the player hasn't been active since about day five or so. He did some stuff in the first two rooms of the very first dungeon, but wasn't playing by the time the PCs got back to Grito, much less when Mike the Thief became Mike the zombie. So Mike's input here is about as useful as, e.g., mom's.

If Mike would like to resume active control, I have no qualms with that of course, it'd be great. But I'm guessing that's a negative too. So MZ1K will continue to be an NPC.

Mike the Zombie 1k

Maybe we should email Mike Naylor and see if he's got something to say about Vrill. Unless you want to chime in and just speak for MTZ1K, Rob.


All those eagle pictures are cracking me up. The last one is the best so far.


My talons are tied.

Sort of sucks that I am an eagle at this point.


Dissent in the Depths.

Yeah, I agree with Dave.

Dave, Fist of Odin

Whoa there - I have a lot of fun with DiD because it's light, and goofy, and I don't have to worry about movement rates or any of that shit. If we're going to start doing that stuff this will get significantly less fun, I think. I mean, it's a blog here about a fantasy game. My character got his god chosen for him with a freaking dice roll. When shit goes down, we whack people with sharpened or blunted metal objects and come up with cheesy raps. I like that the system's broken, that we don't care about initiative, etc. One of the things I don't like is when I'm got too much to do at school I get chided for not posting every day - and if we're going to start worrying about realism in the combats more it's going to start sucking more, I think.

My $0.02.

Descent into Depths: Table Talk

Rob you know the reason we went after Vrill. He has his own website and issued us a restraining order. You show players a fire and they'll put their hands in it. Why did Marivhon go...he has a 6 wis, and he's following the Champion of Grisbane, the FoO and Cinder the Thief. Plus they had a cool Zombie guy and a floating head. What PC wouldn't sign up with them. you can read my response to your post for further comments.

A modest reply

Okay, I hear you. Of course, it wouldn't be gaming, particularly in my world, if there wasn't some player-GM friction, especially as concerns lack of magic items and such for the PCs.

That aside, Mark and Paul raise good points: Vrill is higher level, and Marivhon is lower level. I'll partially disagree with the storylined combats. I'll concede the point that Vrill may have gotten off one extra round, or a surprise round, of casting. As I mentioned, I've never made any PC make casting checks, as there's no great way to resolve initiative in gaming-by-blog, as we've seen. I could ask everyone to roll initiative each round, and announce their action that round, with the stipulation that if you forget to roll init, you go last, in order of DX for multiple 'lasts'. Having to make casting checks is one of those rules that punishes the PCs more than the NPCs, which is another reason I haven't been using it; last minute Cures save lives, and interrupting that sort of thing is just awful.

Frankly, I try not to storyline anything. For instance, Vrill might escape here, or maybe not, depends on you guys. That said, if you look back on the specific structure of the combat, is anyone really that surprised with what happened? How long have we all been gaming? Speaking of which, since we're putting cards on the table, let me offer two things in defense: 1) PC strategy is abysmal, generally amounting to 'roll to hit'. The combat in the Grito jail is one nice exception. For instance, why haven't healing potions been used? You know Magic Missiles are forthcoming, and do a lot of damage. And that's just a minor thing.

But that's nitpicking. More serious is: 2) players have more control over the game than they appear to believe. For instance, if Marivhon being level 2, and going up against a level 7+ wizard is so shocking... why did you? I storylined you to Grito, but not into direct combat with Vrill. He's been there a year; it may have been possible to split and go to Durth to train for a couple months, then come back. AntiMarivhon saw you; you might have been able to kill him before he reported back, if you were worried about that. Failing that, you have a lot of magic items you have no idea how to use or what they do. Why didn't you evenly distribute these things? Why does Marivhon only have a ninja star? There are at least two wands somewhere in the party's possession that would have been very useful during this combat. Couldn't the items be spread throughout the party, and a quick ID, perhaps even from Stanislaus, might really help. Or get stuff ID'd in Durth first, buy more potions of healing, etc. Not to mention that the PCs avoided someplace they were told would have good gear, before heading to Greyhelm in the first place, and went right for Vrill. At no time did anyone have to accept '1) we're bugbears, and 2) we attack Vrill, and 3) we do this now' as the game plan. But there's rarely a post that says 'hey wait a minute, that's not what I want to do guys, let's do X instead of Y', so anytime anyone posts anything, I tend to run with that just to move the game along.

In fact, even back before entering the mirror world, you knew Vrill was high enough level to cast Fireball, and yet 2nd level Marivhon went along with it. Why weren't cries raised of- guys, Marivhon needs at least one more level, please, before we do this? Potions of protection against fire could have been obtained. Etc, etc. Ample warning.

I forgot the monk 'reduced surprise chance' thing. But we're too deep into the combat to revise things now. Honestly, I had Vrill show up and declare casting, without rolling damage yet, to give PCs a moment to react, take cover, etc. That would have been the time to say 'hey, I'm a monk, I'm not easily surprised, can I get one action before this all happens?'

Finally, I don't have a copy of either 1E Players or the DMG. Can I get citations with page numbers for interrupting casting and two weapon fighting? Training time and costs are, however, in the DMG. I think it's something like 1000 gps per level. I like the way we're doing it now, because special training offers something that I think enhances the flavor of DiD here- the non-weapon proficiencies, like 'singing' or 'man of the people'. There's no other mechanic for introducing these skills to PCs. However, if a quorum of you want it changed, I'll change it, and make training instantaneous: that's 3 of you with a 'yea', including Mark's vote. You'll have to keep track of your own xp from then on, though, and I'll post updates after each encounter.


It is true. Vrill really kicks ass, and Marivhon does really suck.

I do agree, that if we are 1st Edition, we should get rid of the training thing. It's a drag. I don't mind losing the special training.

The storyline combats don't bother me, however. I mean, c'mon it's a freaking blog.


Descent into Depths: Table Talk

Now I am really pissed. my post didn't go and it was very, very long.
To sum it up. Vrill is 7th level or at least can Dimension Door which is the same thing. I can't even train. Mages by 1st edition can't cast if they are hit, but rules have been changed, like my character is allowed to suck. He walked into our room and Anti dave came with him and that same round he fireballed us. We shouldn't have been that easily surprised, it's one of the things monks have going for them.

I just don't think the Magic Hand of the DM should be seen and if it is it shouldn't be flipping me off. I'm second level and my fancy item is a ninja star. I should be watching the horses. Sure I have 8000 exp in the bank, but I get the feeling I can't spend it till Vrill is dead. I just had a save or die roll and now he's running off. I stood before the GMF and had to walk away. grr. Just not a lot to smile about for me in DiD. Sure it's fun to read...but it hasn't been so great to play as of late.

Thinking Marivhon Is The Angriest Badger

Hey, if you've got something to say, say it. We're all adults at this table. I mean website, all adults at the website.

That sounds bad, but you know what I mean.

I think things have been very fair. You can always opt to fail a save too.

And "the angriest badger" is awesome. Although that seems suspiciously close to a search string I myself performed a few months back to find a picture of an angry badger.


I don't think right now, I'd just get angry. I have a good dex and I am very hard to surpise one of the few things monks are supposed to have going for them....but hey...thats getting too close to thinking. I'll just have a beer and finish winterizing my house. I should have just failed my save.

SWBCM looking for: a priest, river, potion, and friendship.

More search phrases that sent people to DiD:

sentence for amphorous
omg jerry snoring
did foo cinder
"leather pants" ass fuck boots
"angriest badger"
a priest, river, potion, and friendship

Personally, I am pretty glad that we come up for "angriest badger".


Potion of Plant Control

Basically, it lets you control some plants.

A 2"x2" area, 9" away. In those crazy D&D units, it means six square feet of plants, at 27 feet distance.

It lasts for 5-20 rounds.

To paraphrase: "Plants can do anything within their normal capabilities, remain still, move, entwine, etc..."

Hope that helps.


Well, the fireball was a surprise attack. Sort of at round 0, if you will. Anyway, by 1E rules, Dispel Magic doesn't act as a counterspell, does it? I thought that was a 3E thing. You can still cast it, and roll off against Cinder's invisibility and antiDave's PFE10' also, if you want.

Dave, Fist of Odin

I don't think combat's broken - I think we're just argumentative. Fix it if you want, but I like the amount of 'system' we have in place right now.

But. We come in. Vrill casts fireball, I cast Radiant Leopard.

Next round. I smack Vrill, Vrill charms a bugbear.

Next round. Vrill Magic Missles me.

Next round. Vrill dissapears. I think I can get a dispel magic up - if not in a counterspelly way, at least in his general area. If I can capture Anti-DFoF in it, so much the better.


Yeah, I was wondering why the two attack round was posted. Makes sense though. I think in general, combat has been handled fairly. Okay, sure, Vrill's been going first at the beginning of the round. Well did you ever think that maybe he had a magic item or special skill to help him out here? Or maybe a good DX. Or maybe, given that it was only one or two rounds, he just rolled good for initiative.

But anyway, you guys roll your owns, post what you do, I sort it out into some specific round structure. Brogg took down aCinder this round, so he can put his two attack round next round towards someone else, or change his battle plan. Either way we'll make it work. Does anyone feel that there's a general problem with the way we've been doing combat? One round complaints aside, are there chronic problems with combat?

Attack attack!

I think that we have run into an issue. In the past, Dave FoO would often post a few rounds, and our foes would act in between his actions.

But, should two quick posts allow for an automatic initiative win? (I just pulled this cheese on the antiCinder, giving me three attacks in a row.) -I'd say no.

I don't think that any hard rules will work here. I just think that we should post, and then, as a courtesy, wait a couple of hours at least before granting ourselves initiative. Or, as an alternative, us player's could post our next couple of actions, and give Rob the liberty to sort out how it goes down.

Either way, I won't pull that cheese again. It feels dirty.